Thursday, February 7, 2008

Just For Class

Okay, so we have this assignment that we have to create a blog for class. So I gave it a shot, but apparently misunderstood what it was asking me when it asked for a blog title. I thought I was naming the individual blog entry, not actually my blog site. So now, I will forever (or for at least as long as this class runs and then I delete this account) be known as WHAT?!? How horrifying! Oh well, we live and learn.

How would I use a blog in my classroom? The answer for me is simple because we are already using one. Every Friday I post an article relating to the topic for the week. The students have all weekend and then time on Monday morning to create a response to the article. The class centers around debates and critical thinking, so blogging was a natural way to promote student participation in this assignment.

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